Patient Guide 
Key Information for Your Stay

After-Hospital Care

After-Hospital Care

Quick Guide to Recovery Options for After Your Stay

After-hospital care that fits your needs is important. Make sure you understand what your hospital staff recommends for you. After-care options include:

Home Care

Care provided by professionals in your home to help maintain or restore health can include healthcare services such as skilled nursing or physical therapy, which includes visits two to three times per week. These services may be covered by your insurance plan and patient must

be home-bound. Visit Home Healthcare for more information.

Acute Rehab Hospital

Provides rehab services after a serious accident, major surgery or severe illness. The care is focused on helping you get back to a full and productive life, which requires three hours of therapy services each day. Insurance authorization needed. Visit Acute Rehabilitation for more information.

Skilled Nursing Facility

Short-term care facility for those who don’t need a hospital but aren’t ready to return home. Provides nursing care, physical and occupational therapy and help with transition back to home. Therapy services are usually one hour per day, five days per week. Insurance authorization is needed. Visit Skilled Nursing & Rehabilitation Care for more information.

Personal Care/Assisted Living

Individual units or apartments, usually in a long-term care facility. Can include home and

personal care services, help managing health conditions and medicine routines, and social

activities and transportation. Staff is on-site 24 hours. Individual is responsible for funding of care in this setting. Visit Assisted Care for more information.


Care program that provides support for terminally ill patients and families in hospitals, facilities or private homes. Can include: help with pain control, symptom management and

emotional and spiritual support. Visit Hospice & Palliative Care for more information.

To get started evaluating or finding after-hospital care resources in your area, visit:

 Care Compare:

Your county Area Agency on Aging may be able to provide additional resources. You can also talk to your case manager or social worker for help finding the right after-hospital care.

Check Your Coverage

Contact your health insurance, Medicare or Medicaid to find out what care and services are covered for you and to get help with costs.

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