Phoenixville Hospital is a 144-bed, acute care facility that offers a full range of services and programs, including an award-winning Heart Center, fully accredited Cancer Center, comprehensive women’s health services, a Robotic Surgery Center, an all-private-room acute inpatient rehab and an NAPBC-accredited Breast Health Center. We also offer outpatient surgical care at our Phoenixville Hospital Ambulatory Surgery Center in Limerick.
We Care About Your Care
Please speak up and tell us if we can do more. In fact, after your visit, we’ll be reaching out to you to find out how we did. Please be honest and take a few moments to tell us what you think. Your responses to this patient satisfaction survey will help improve our services.
Phoenixville Hospital is committed to building positive relationships among
our staff, our patients, and their families. If you feel that a healthcare provider does not have your best interests at heart, or if a staff member does or says something that upsets you, please contact the Patient Advocate at 610-983-4896 or PhoenixvilleAdvocate@
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